The genius of Mary

Do we really get Mary? We know God made her perfectly sinless. She needed to be perfect, because Jesus would take his human nature from her. That’s why she was humble, meek, and so, so good. And that’s where we get stuck. Everybody focuses…

July: St. Olha, the Godmother

July’s saint may have a funny name but let me tell you, Olha (890 – 969) was no joke. Just ask the Drevlians. They murdered her husband so she murdered them — 5,000 of them. Mafia style. That was before her conversion to Christianity. Olha,…

Do You Believe in Miracles?

In 1974, Robert Gutherman was a 14-year-old youth, one of 11 children growing up in the shadow of St. Katharine Drexel’s convent in Bensalem, Pennsylvania. He and his brothers had often served mass for the sisters. Though not yet declared…

The ‘Secret Code of Catholic’

What’s the name of that screwball comedy? The one with the two desperados? That one. Anyway, they’re in mortal danger. One guy makes a quick Sign of the Cross in a desperate plea for heavenly aid. The other guy looks at him, thinks for a…

What St. Joseph meant to Jesus

We interrupt this Eastern Rite calendar to bring you St. Joseph. Why? Because St. Joseph (feast day March 19 on the Western calendar, patron of the universal Church) does not have a separate feast day on the Eastern calendar. This may lead…

How to Support Young Adults

Little kids, little problems. Big kids, big problems. Does it have to be that way? Or is there something we can do? Between 17 and 25, a person is bound to go through at least one life-changing transition, and probably several. We…

Immaculée Ilibagiza on screen

BY SUSIE LLOYD When Immaculée Ilibagiza first published her 2006 memoir Left to Tell, it was with the modest hope of sharing the book with friends. Her agent, however, told her to quit her job. The book tells in harrowing detail about the…