Daily Gospel reflections: Trusting God in painful times

Tuesday of Holy Week

Stained glass window depicting Jesus and the apostles at the Last Supper with the Judas Iscariot in front. Photo: jorisvo/Shutterstock

‘What you are going to do, do quickly.’ (John 13:27)

Humans instinctively seek to preserve their lives. We marvel and give honors to persons who put their life in jeopardy to save another.

Jesus steps out of the very human pattern of self-preservation, and we almost miss it. Jesus sees the dark clouds gathering on the horizon. Yet Jesus gives Judas permission to leave the table. No persuasion to change his mind. No underhanded statements to alert the rest of the apostles to the impending catastrophe. Jesus simply tells Judas to go and accomplish his plans quickly.

What must Jesus have felt after three years with this apostle? Jesus watched sadly as the man rose from the table, looked furtively around, and then backed out of the room.

Many times we are in a similar predicament. A painful situation comes into our life and with dignity we must live it fully, trusting in the Father’s overarching goodness, which alone can transform disaster into life.

— Sr. Kathryn James Hermes, FSP


Isaiah 49:1-6

Pslam 71:1-2, 3-4A, 5AB-6AB, 15 and 17)

John 13:21-33, 36-38

EDITOR’S NOTE: During the COVID-19 outbreak, Catholic Digest is offering daily Gospel reflections from our sister publication, Living With Christ. Additional resources from our parent company, Bayard, Inc., are available here:

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Stained glass window depicting Jesus and the apostles at the Last Supper with the Judas Iscariot in front. Photo: jorisvo/Shutterstock


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